Diretor de Arte / Art Director
Meu nome é Iago Mati. Trabalho como diretor de arte e designer e também exploro o segmento audiovisual onde já dirigi filmes e videoclipes. Atuando na direção de arte e no design, já trabalhei em campanhas para segmentos esportivo, cultural e artístico. Com prêmios nacionais e internacionais.
My name is Iago Mati. I work as an art director and designer, exploring the audiovisual field where I have directed films and music videos. With a focus on art direction and design, I have been involved in campaigns spanning sports, culture and arts. Earning national and international awards.
Meu nome é Iago Mati. Trabalho como diretor de arte e designer e também exploro o segmento audiovisual onde já dirigi filmes e videoclipes. Atuando na direção de arte e no design, já trabalhei em campanhas para segmentos esportivo, cultural e artístico. Com prêmios nacionais e internacionais.
My name is Iago Mati. I work as an art director and designer, exploring the audiovisual field where I have directed films and music videos. With a focus on art direction and design, I have been involved in campaigns spanning sports, culture and arts. Earning national and international awards.
Iniciei minha carreira em 2006 em escritórios de design e participei do lançamento de produtos e filmes para marcas como Nike, Element e Nixon. Com o fortalecimento das tecnologias e meio online, passei a me interessar pela comunicação digital, então comecei a trabalhar no segmento como designer e em seguida como head of art.
I began my career in 2006 in design offices and participated in the launch of products and films for brands such as Nike, Element, and Nixon. With the strengthening of technologies and the online environment, I became interested in digital communication, so I started working in the field as a designer and then as head of art.
I began my career in 2006 in design offices and participated in the launch of products and films for brands such as Nike, Element, and Nixon. With the strengthening of technologies and the online environment, I became interested in digital communication, so I started working in the field as a designer and then as head of art.
Entre 2010 e 2015, segui trabalhando como diretor de arte enquanto explorava outras mídias. Dediquei-me à fotografia e às possibilidades de criação em vídeo – embriões para meus trabalhos futuros de instalações, filmes e álbuns audiovisuais.
From 2010 to 2015, I continued working as an art director while exploring other media. I dedicated myself to photography and the creative possibilities of video – the seeds for my future works in installations, films, and audiovisual albums.
From 2010 to 2015, I continued working as an art director while exploring other media. I dedicated myself to photography and the creative possibilities of video – the seeds for my future works in installations, films, and audiovisual albums.
Em 2018, fundei a Leviatã, editora audiovisual que trabalha com artistas contemporâneos do Brasil e de outros países na criação de projetos que atravessam as artes visuais, sonoras, e do corpo.
In 2018, I founded Leviatã, an audiovisual publisher collaborating with contemporary artists from Brazil and other countries to create projects that intersect visual arts, sound, and the body.
In 2018, I founded Leviatã, an audiovisual publisher collaborating with contemporary artists from Brazil and other countries to create projects that intersect visual arts, sound, and the body.
Entre 2021 e 2022, realizei dois projetos cinematográficos de destaque, comissionados pelo Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS): os filmes musicais "Espíritos sem nome", com Mateus Aleluia e inspiração nas fotografias de Mário Cravo Neto, e “Metamorfoses”, com Filipe Catto e inspiração nas fotografias de Madalena Schwartz.
Between 2021 and 2022, I completed two noteworthy film projects commissioned by the Moreira Salles Institute (IMS): the musical films "Espíritos sem nome," featuring Mateus Aleluia and inspired by the photographs of Mário Cravo Neto, and "Metamorfoses," with Filipe Catto and inspired by the photographs of Madalena Schwartz.
Between 2021 and 2022, I completed two noteworthy film projects commissioned by the Moreira Salles Institute (IMS): the musical films "Espíritos sem nome," featuring Mateus Aleluia and inspired by the photographs of Mário Cravo Neto, and "Metamorfoses," with Filipe Catto and inspired by the photographs of Madalena Schwartz.
Hoje, sigo aplicando e expandindo meus conhecimentos a cada novo projeto, com uma pesquisa constante sobre comunicação e tecnologia e suas influências na produção criativa, principalmente em minha produção audiovisual e no meu trabalho como diretor de arte.
Today, I continue to apply and expand my knowledge with each new project, engaging in constant research on communication and technology and their influences on creative production, particularly in my audiovisual work and as an art director.
Today, I continue to apply and expand my knowledge with each new project, engaging in constant research on communication and technology and their influences on creative production, particularly in my audiovisual work and as an art director.